Monday, September 27, 2004

To Clutter is Human, to Organize is Divine

I encountered this the other day on my commute through Hollywood. A woman that looked to be in her 50's, or even older-enough-to-know-better, was sporting this magnetic sign on her truck door. She was Dee Saar, Space Diviner, offering Organizing Services.
At first I figured it must be a Feng-Shui thing, but then my friend Stevel (known by his Halloween costume as the lesser of two Evels) suggested that she's probably just doing closet organizer consulting. What secrets might spring forth from the closets of West Hollywood residents?

Seems wacky- gets worse...

Her sign read, " a member of NAPO," with a reference to their website:
I checked it out- it's the National Association of Professional Organizers- Los Angeles Chapter. This page shows the "Specialty Types" that fall within their association, including anything from helping those with Attention Deficit Disorder, to performing Word Processing or facilitating Disaster Preparedness. And, yes- Closet Organizing was in there.
I dare you to find a weaker, looser connection between virtually unrelated businesses.
But why "Space Diviner?"
Correct me any time, but I thought a Diviner was someone capable of foretelling, or even affecting the future. So a Space Diviner might, then, be able to provide us with glimpses into the probable outcome of the next Mars landing, no?
Say she peered ahead and foresaw the astronauts contracting highly contagious illnesses- you know- they'd cough alot and we'd worry we'll catch it when they return.
She could very well go down in history as the woman that brought us
Dee Saar's Epidemic, but then who am I to divine?

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