Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Los Angeles Quotes- From the Respected and the Drunk.

"Tip the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles."
Frank Lloyd Wright

Now, I'd say that's from a respected source.

It brings me to another quote gleaned from a few drinks at the Beauty Bar in Hollywood. Another patron laid this one on me during an otherwise forgotten conversation:

"Los Angeles is the last major city in the world to be civilized."

Anonymous or not, it sounds authentic, and using it either makes one appear up on his history of the world, or, goddamn it, he's seen the place!

That one is usually food (and drink) for thought whenever the LA bashing begins. It never fails to spiral downward into impassioned rants against rude, mindless drivers, inconsiderate pedestrians, general lack of culture, and specific proof of idiocy.

Oh how we malign the one we love.

So let's leave with this one- positive or negative, it's pregnant with promise:

"There is science, logic, reason; there is thought verified by experience. And then there is California."
Edward Abbey

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